Hass avocado in Valle del Cauca

Last update: 20/09/2022

Valle del Cauca is Colombia’s second department with the greatest extension of land that is suitable and available for hass avocado production. More than 123,000 hectares of land are suitable for this crop, which has had a positive dynamism in the last decade, with an increase of 28.4% in its production (33,435 tons in 2021) and an expansion of 4.4% in its crops, placing Valle del Cauca as Colombia’s fourth avocado producer.

In the past decade, avocado farming in Colombia has increased exponencially by 174%. In such period, its production has grown by 200% which represents an improvement of 12.4% in the yield of these crops.

The country produces different varieties of avocado:Lorena, Trinidad and Hass, being the latter one of the most demanded fruits in the global market. Hence 99.6% of the total avocado exports correspond to the hass variety. In just one year, the exports of hass avocado in Colombia grew 24.8% reeaching a total of USD$203,704 and an exported volue of 96,358 tons in 2021.

suitable for this crop
+ 0 Ha.
produced in 2021
0 tons.


Producer of hass avocado in Colombia

Over the past decade avocado crops in Colombia

Have expanded by 174%

Production has increased +200%

hass avocado, Invest Pacific

The arrival of 9 agribusiness foreign companies in Valle del Cauca over the last seven years, reaffirms the great potential of this region, specially for the hass avocado production chain, making it one of the most wanted locations for the establishment of these type of agroindustrial projects.

Some of these companies are Camposol (Peru), Green Fruit Avocados (U.S.), Viveros Genesis (Peru), Green Superfoods (Chile) and Agricola Ocoa (Chile) are just an example of hass avocado foreign direct investments that have arrived to Valle del Cauca, in municipalities such as Sevilla, El Dovio, Versalles, Caicedonia, Trujillo, Bolivar, among others.

Location of the main companies, plant nurseries and investigation centers in the region

Casos de éxito

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hass avocado, Invest Pacific


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hass avocado, Invest Pacific

Agribusiness, Renewable Energies and Logistics Sector Investment Manager